Balancing Labor Resources To Improve Operational Efficiency

Every organization is constrained by the resources that are available to them. Utilizing those resources effectively is a major key to success.

How much beer you can brew and get out the door is constrained by labor resources, raw material availability and equipment scheduling. The ability to optimize any one of these can make a big difference in helping your company’s bottom line. Labor is often overlooked in a brewery’s planning process but is still a key element to operational efficiency.

Gaining insight into how much labor is needed to complete any one job enables your brewery’s scheduler to match labor resources to production requirements efficiently.

Labor Resources

Key Questions to Monitoring Labor Resources Include:

  • Do you have enough people to complete a specific job in a timely manner?
  • What adjustments need to be made to avoid unnecessary overhead?
  • Can I extend, delay or consolidate work to avoid overtime?
  • Do I have any upcoming bottlenecks? Can I move jobs from high-volume days to level the workload and avoid a conflict that could strain limited labor resources?
  • Can I reduce the cost of training new workers?
  • Can I implement strategies to reduce the complications caused by over-staffing a project, such as reducing the excessive layers of communication?

VicinityBrew helps craft brewers get the most out of the labor resources in their brewery. VicinityBrew records labor standards by formula. By setting a standard labor requirement, our software can calculate how many labor hours will be needed to execute the schedule and will automatically identify resource bottlenecks. This allows the scheduler to match the labor force to meet production demand, reducing surges and lulls in production time. Bringing the labor requirements into the scheduling process will save your scheduler time and your company money with a very quick return. Contact us today to see how VicinityBrew Software can balance your brewery’s labor resources.

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